Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5A

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Meeting ID: 862 1046 0261
Passcode: 869469


I. Call Meeting to Order 6:45 pm
II. Quorum
III. Agenda Review/Acceptance
IV. Commission Business
A. Election and Swearing in of the Secretary
B. Secretary
i. Minutes (May 2024)
C. Treasurer
i. 3rd Quarter Financial Report
ii. Job Description
D. Public Safety Committee Update from June 20th (Commissioner Cozart)
V. Commission Action Items/Updates
A. Sahara Market (Ret B and CR) (5A02)
VI. Community Updates
B. Mayor’s Office
C. Councilmember Parker’s office
VII. Reports & Presentations
A. Dalando Baker (DDOT) South Dakota Ave Traffic Study- DDOT
B. St. Anselm Abbey School Development (5A02)
C. Anne Welch (DDOT) Safety improvements on Fort Drive NE and Taylor Street NE from North Capitol Street NW to South Dakota Avenue NE.
VIII. Community Comments
IX. Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
X. Adjourn